I especially enjoyed the comments by KP Stoller MD:

"In 2006, I had someone in the government actually tell me why there was a cover up and there would always be a cover up. I had been trying to get legislation that would require 3rd party payers to cover off-label interventions for children with autism. I was pulled aside by a top congressional aide who told me I would never see a bill with the words autism & treatment in it together. He went on to explain that everyone in the upper tier of government who wanted to know whether or not vaccines were causing autism already knew and they were not going to do a damn thing about it. He said there was a real fear that the reparations (should the truth be acknowledged) would bankrupt the Treasury. Of course, today we know they just print money as needed, but be that as it may I realized we were going to have to wait for the government to fall before affected kids could get treatments covered or even acknowledged...

"...this was a massive Psy-Op - the whole vaccine program is a money laundering enterprise while at the same time serving the eugenics movement...

"...and that was not the only thing I was told... I asked about what the CDC's problem was with Lyme disease...in 2006, the CDC was still reporting only 3000 new cases of Lyme per year (it has been revised upward now because someone is trying to sell something).

"'Whenever the Government has played a role in creating a problem, they will always obfuscate,'" I was told by a former congressional aide. Lyme was the subject of Gain-of Function experiments on Plum Island (lab 257) where its virulence was increased."

How about the reckless, inhumane Edgewood Arsenal experiments the Army did on unwitting soldiers? When you read about *those* experiments, it's easy to see how the government used its entire population as guinea pigs. https://mediaroots.org/bz/

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I shared some of this history with 2 family members who are a surgeon and a nurse practioner for decades - and it was deer in the headlights. Our fully captured medical industry is totally controlled by big Pharma - when a member of congress must raise $200,000 to obtain a desired committee chairmanship, who do you think is ready with the cash? Big Pharma. They build hospitals, medical schools, hire staff, promote the obedient, reward retired bureaucrats with lucrative jobs...they have lost my trust. They are heinous criminals who kill and harm us for profit. We have been too lazy and dumb to see it until now.

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Thanks, Russell.

It’s on my ‘to be read list’ but, I don’t wish to rush it knowing that this doctor’s every word is serious and worthwhile.

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