The problem is as you say, large scale collusion. But to that added, the fact that many don't want to know the truth. Those I tried to inform and warn had spite for me, hate the messenger and not the message, the bad guys keep winning. They cannot fathom or grasp that grave and broad distrust is merited.

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It's hard for me to fathom that it's entirely possible that the vast majority of the billions who've been injected with the Slow Kill Bio-Weapons will never realize what's actually happened. I was wondering what would happen if they did become aware of what was done to them ? Would it be mass fury & killing ? Total rage. Blood in the streets ? Or would they just sit back and fold into themselves, realizing that the deed is done and that there's no cure ? The plasmid-DNA in the vaxxes changes our DNA. And those who's DNA has been changed by the plasmid-DNA in these jabs... are altered. Are they still 'Human' ? When your DNA is altered, there's no going back to the original state. You are forever changed. Let that sink in. And if the plasmid-DNA is patented... their mutated cells are OWNED by the patent holders... AKA: Moderna & Pfizer. Humanity 2.0 ?????

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Sadly we as a collective have fallen prey to a tyrannical force of global proportions that seeks nothing short of world domination through the conquest of nature, human nature specifically. I believe that we are now at the stage (again) were nothing short of Thomas Jefferson's stated remedy will save the day... History repeats itself... let us all hope that it is to the same end result.

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Right on, over-view and specifics. Honesty, integrity not found from those upon whom we should be able to most depend - across the board, domestic or international subjects. Most people simply just 'believe' in what they're told by those who they should trust. They "identify" and official crap becomes a core belief. Hard as Hell to get through their heads. Russell lists a number of these subjects.

At a town hall on 29 June RFK Jr wiped out an MD in the audience who challenged him by pointing out that CDC, FDA, AMA, and American Academy of Pediatrics, all say he’s wrong for his claiming the (mis-named) vaccines are unsafe. RFK Jr successfully made his point against the MD that none of these organizations had independently found any “vaccine” safe. They simply parrot FDA or Pharma. “They [FDA] will not tell you that there’s a vaccine that has ever undergone a long-term placebo-controlled trial prior to licensing because it’s not true.” FDA simply asserts. None ever tested for safety prior to release. None ever tested for efficacy prior to release.

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Yes, the Fourth Estate has become a sink estate.

Some consolation and compensation by the rise of independent news sites and blogs (like Substack!)

Thanks, Russell.

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Don’t forget the vicious cycle of media reports on it ad nauseam and the drug company’s pay for it. Disgusting collusion.

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