
Yes, amazing how science becomes assumptions and hollow beliefs wholly absent data and facts when money is in play, isn't it?

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I could not have put it better myself, Russell - I'm so glad I don't try. 😉😁

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I got 2 shots but no booster. After the second shot I was finished with it. Personally, I'm not afraid of dying.

Only thing I want some people to remember is that all this shit happened on Donald Trump's watch. Remember, at the convention (2016) when he made his acceptance speech, one of the last things he said in that speech, and I quote, "I will fight for you." Watch the speech and tell me if I am mistaken.

Having been in the military, DON'T thank me for my service (I didn't serve the 'country'), I got shot up with all kinds of shit. Never had an adverse reaction to any of it. I don't say this to endorse the vaccines. I say it because for a little while I believed their bs, too.

I like what you state here, Russell. Keep coming with the truth. BTW, I am buying your expat to Mexico book this weekend coming up. Brushing up my Spanish. God willing, I am leaving USA.


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Thanks, Russell.

Neil deGrasse Tyson has yet to perfect his justifications.


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Perhaps I’m being unfair to these researchers. BUT the following quotes imply that this team has lived under a self-imposed rock, hence being ignorant of the widely documented reduction in immune system effectiveness with the injections. Quotes: “The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected.” “It is important to examine whether multiple vaccine doses given over time may not be having the beneficial effect that is generally assumed.” “Assumed” by whom? Speak for yourselves, research team.

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