Thank you, Russell. Posted on your FB timeline.

I'd like to contribute something useful but feel a bit punchdrunk at the moment.

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Ohhhkaaay... I'm trying to type this on my phone, so don't think I'm dumb because of the typos, mmkay?

We're seeing all the shit since 2015. OK, I am. That's when I woke the hell up, anyway.

My only comfort is that It's always been for shit, and it's only because of this internet that we're as conscious as we are.

Up till now, we were only able to see what was in our immediate vicinity for the most part. For example, you Rusty, knew Wall Street was a sewer because you witnessed it. Me? Well, what was done to George Floyd was just another day at the office from my time in the NYPD.

I've seen and heard the term The Great Awakening bandied about a LOT recently, and that's what I think is what's really going on.

And yeah, the so called elites are playing Whack A Mole trying to cope with it.

Sadly for them, that game is a losing one.

I agree w you in that things are goña get a LOT worse.

But what comes after makes me pissed off that I'm 63 and won't see that...the better that comes in the phrase 'Things are goña get worse before they get better' cliche.

If we all don't get nuked of course

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The truth is always misleading. What a bother.

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Thanks for laying it out so clearly again. Yeah, now all Putin’s fault. Re Facebook, Twitter, etc., as you point out so well, truth and accuracy are dangerous, as they might confuse, being counter to all official narratives, and we can’t have a confused population due to being exposed to actual facts. And, sure as heck, we are now using same methods of control as the USSR had used.

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Always interesting

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