Thanks for the warm words. Glad they resonated.

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Never before has the truth been so obvious and freely promoted by a brave few, yet so blithely ignored, and its proponents vilified by so many.

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Thanks to 2nd Smartest Guy for alerting me to this brilliant gem.

It complements my first Substack essay beautifully:

• “A Primer for the Propagandized: Fear Is the Mind-Killer” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized)

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BINGO ! 100% correct. It’s all theater and meant to weaken us to the point of submission.

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“The entities who own the U.S. ...operate for their profit, power, and control. That's it”

Agree, Sums it up. All the divisiveness of X vs Y just makes it easier for control of the whole.


May be of some interest. Fletcher wrote about the International / Domestic power base in control of US & world at least as he saw it from his responsibilities as Joint Chief’s liaison with CIA for military ops

Following quotes: Fletcher L. Prouty, "The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World”

Control power base: “... very close affiliations with elements of power in more than three-score foreign countries [so] is able when it chooses to topple governments, to create governments, and to influence governments almost anywhere in the world.”

Control tools: “... direct relationship with great private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media, including foreign and domestic publishing houses ...”

Control Implementation: “ ... vast undercover infrastructure ... of security-cleared individuals in and out of government ...” (summarized) pre-placed and protected in key decision positions to insure approval of a requested/mandated Control element. Prouty explained how this pre-planted infrastructure is maintained and works.

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I’m so glad you have posted your response here – it adds to its importance.

If I might say, I think some of your private correspondents are unconsciously using you as a counsellor. They appear to be burdened with only partially understood views of reality and are discharging their pain onto you. You are to be congratulated for caring enough to reply.

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Well put. Could not have said it any better.

Ironically people laugh at the blue pill /red pill scene in the Matrix but that scene PERFECTLY describes our current situation. We actually do live in a pseudo-Matrix reality - it is not SW and Machines that are making that fake veneer of life...it is the oligarchy that is to blame. Too many people are taking the blue pill. I have yet to figure out who Agent Smith is but that could be Claus Schwab. Any ideas?

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I thank Margaret Anna Alice for the steer here.

Yep. Theater. Been saying that since the actor was [s]elected in ‘80. Except it’s been going on since long before I was born.

I like to believe, with this global travesty unfolding, we are closer than ever before in history to unmasking the very top players in the constructed pyramid. We are nearly 8 billion. They are maybe a few thousand. Even the will of half the population, maybe only 2-3 billion, could topple the structure.

This show ain’t over. We *definitely* have a fighting chance to flip the script. Thanks for the clear sight.

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I bet that ~99% of the Herd of modern moron slaves in the USofT Plantation can't even understand what you just wrote!

DEBT is the WEALTH of the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires... No doubt a magnificent Tool.

A special gift for my fellow MMS/3i's


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I patently disagree with your post on several points, and while much of what you said is true, I’m tired of the victim blaming and shaming that seems to be so popular at the moment. Nobody on earth asked to be poisoned, starved, vaccinated, under-educated, and left to die. We have a mandate from life itself to do the best we can, to find beauty in life, to love and fulfill our time here on earth with worthwhile pursuits while loving ourselves, our families and our neighbors.

Everything that has been happening to us has been planned by our enemies—from overweight adults to lack of critical thinking skills. All of it—purposely perpetrated on humanity so as to weaken us. And it was a stealth pursuit. Do you blame the deer who is killed by a hunter for not hearing his killer sneak up quietly behind him? The deer believes there is no danger as he goes on about his day—no awareness of guns or that there are people—animals much smarter than himself— who want his life.

You wrote: “The U.S. population has been converted from a lean, capable, individualistic, self-reliant collective to a nation of fat, entitled, unhealthy children who will believe anything in the way a five year old will - uncritically nodding along with whomever delivers the lie with the most conviction or in a manner that appeals to their propagandized bias.“

And I argue we exist in the deep fog of war—an undeclared war. We have been made puppets by a group of psychopaths. Comparing humanity to a group of 5 year-olds is just unconscionable to me. Blame the woodworker who carved the toy—every single finite detail, down to the dimples in the puppet’s chin.

You could argue there is ample evidence and opportunity for anyone to become aware now and so there is no excuse for people to be ignorant. But not everyone is made of the stuff you are made of, whether it be their lack of opportunity, bad luck, genes, or IQ. Expecting everyone to understand the incredibly complicated situation we are in is presupposing everyone has evolved to a level capable of discerning our current times. This has never been true of humanity. And since the cabal has been slowly degrading our health, intellect and financial positions in the world for longer than any of us cares to admit, blaming the victims here is unfair and unrealistic. We are a weakened people by absolutely no fault of our own.

You also wrote: “while you go back to a kind of dark ages feudalism, believing superstitious nonsense...”.

Since you don’t say, I’m wondering what superstitious nonsense you are referring to? Religion? God? Spirituality? And if so, how incredibly pompous of you. Who are you to say you know how the Universe works? Whether there is a universal energy that creates, whether there is a God, whether there are universal laws and truths given to us to guide our behavior and decisions as humans? I tell you this: beings that have advanced technology but no sense of spirituality or sense of right or wrong are destined to blow up their planets. There must be pieces of broken planets floating throughout our universe from worlds that had the means to blow themselves up and had nothing stopping them—no wisdom, no love for one another, no universal laws or truths, and no belief in anything but materialism and power. Our own planet is likely to have the same fate. You better hope there IS such a thing as “superstitious nonsense.” If knowing the difference between good and evil, between love and hate, and believing there is wisdom to guide our behavior passed down from the ages—is “superstitious nonsense” then sign me up.

Lastly, I have been awake since 1997. How about you? When did you wake up to the truth of our enslavement? You were once a sheeple, my friend—one that I ran into many times in my years as a lone freedom fighter. Have pity on the people of this earth, as I once had for you.

And I tell you this: it is “magical thinking“ that is going to get us out of this. And a whole lot of it too. It’s going to take belief, optimism, courage, bravado, wisdom, and power to propel ourselves forward. These are all things money cannot buy, but are bestowed to us through life experience, through the rich gifts of pain and failure and struggle. If we do not make it forward, then so be it, but it will not be without a fight.

Even the sheeple have their roles to play. They are the constant symbol and reminder of our lifelong abuse. And this makes us fight harder.

Superiority? Never entertained the thought. I was just doing my thing in life when the cabal rang in earnest. Raising my children, contributing to the good of the earth, using the gifts generations of my own family worked hard to pass down to me. I am the bearer of their hard work. I will, god willing, do the same for my own children. I deserve what has been given to me because that’s what the people who lived before me intended. That’s what life is about. It’s a circle of life—to quote a famous lion.

You’ve become cynical, and without passion or concern for others. Reminds me of a certain cabal I know.

Be better.

Be better than them.

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You have taken my post in a light it was never intended. First, I make clear everything that has happened is a result of this cabal. Second, you seem to be of the belief that humans are a collective that things "happen to" and because they are too dim, or self involved, or fill in the blank, they bear no responsibility for allowing these things to happen.

Your reply looks to me like an argument in search of an enemy. Outrage to be directed at me. Essentially, "I am offended/disagree with you therefore you are equivalent to the Cabal." Not sure how useful an approach that is.

Superstitious nonsense hit a nerve. I am referring to a society that, as Carl Sagan predicted, lived in a demon haunted world where magical thinking replaced science and reason.

You are free to disagree with my take. But there is no need to mount a strident defense. I'm not the enemy. I have a perspective. You disagree with it, and for some reason feel you are entitled to scold and berate me for not seeing things as you do. This entitlement, this "you are victim shaming" nonsense is part of the engineered problem that encourages folks to become enraged at each other rather than their true oppressor. But I'd it makes you feel better, have at it. I have simply found that magical thinking does nobody any favors and is not a substitute for logic and reason, nor is a very good survival or investment strategy.

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"We have a mandate from life itself to do the best we can, to find beauty in life, to love and fulfill our time here on earth with worthwhile pursuits while loving ourselves, our families and our neighbors."

At what age did you reach such conclusion?

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I remember hearing years ago about the "powers behind the throne" and I suspect you are spot on. No president or queen really runs the roost. The power is in the shadows we never see.

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So spot on, Russell Blake. Everything of what's been permitted to take place in this life, this demonic system, upon all tender creatures and the natural world, is TRAGIC. Tragic, all around. (Random aside: Luc Besson's films give a lot of key truth leaks, especially Fifth Element's truth leak on the nature of the top of the pyramid forces that the topmost elite minions have to answer to).

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Spot on!!!! Every word in your response is absolute truth!!!! Thank you! I needed to read this today. Yesterday, I briefly dipped into Fox News while the market was tanking and buydim was praising himself and the vampires in his audience, then they switched coverage to London and the arrival of queen's casket (which they call a coffin; oy). The constant reference to "her" instead of her body was grating and direct affront to most religions when it comes to death. I mean, whatever, maybe just maybe, she wasn't a part of the cabal but damn she ensured Randy Andy stayed out of an American jail!

Anyway, the gig on these circus funerals was up when the drug-overdosed chosen token died on the street in Minn. and had a gold casket and four funerals. I mean, really. My father was a good guy. My grandfather was a good guy but there was no gold caskets or parades for either of them. Enough with the endless days of pomp and circumstance for the chosen ones. I am OVER IT, and I will fight for my children's freedom through all my days.

Loved the entire essay but this line is the absolute truth and the total wake-up call/reminder, "...But go ahead and tell yourself that the outcome of some midterm election or some figurehead is going to change all that. You're about to discover that the magical thinking that's replaced common sense and ingenuity is not a good substitute for accurately understanding reality."

Thank you.

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Spot on.

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As George Carlin said--It's a big club and you ain't in it

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This is brilliant -- and, lemme tell ya, at seventy-three years old, I don't bandy that adjective about cavalierly! So glad I added you to my Substack reads; kudos to your intellect and your razor-sharp assessment! Will be catching up on any/all of your writings that I've missed...Sending much gratitude!

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Thanks for the warm words. I've been told some of my books are readable as well!

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Let's not go crazy, hmmm??? (Sorry...native New Yawka...hard to get beyond!!)

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